
Things I LOVE this week!!!

There have been alot of things that I have HATED this week!! But i'm gonna focus on the things that have cheered me up...

UNICORN DRESSES!!!!!!! I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DEVOWEVO is the brand!!! SO COOOOOL!!!!
 Check out their Etsy, they do AWESOME clothes!!!!

Second thing...

I was curiously enquiring into who is the richest person in the world the other day and I discovered this...

3 of the top 10 richest Billionaires in the world got there because of Fashion!!!



 If you are interested in fashion and being a Billionaire read it!

The brains behind Zara started making Dressing gowns and Lingerie in his living room... Now he's 5th richest person in the World! Just saying!

Third thing...

Weird video, very short song...but it's SOOOOO catchy!!!


Well thats definitely cheered me up!

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